Internet Training is offered on the following databases and resources:
Instructor: Jan Kraus, MLS

PubMed was developed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the National Library of Medicine (NLM), located at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It was developed in conjunction with publishers of biomedical literature as a search tool for accessing literature citations and linking to full-text journals at Web sites of participating publishers.

Publishers participating in PubMed electronically supply NLM with their citations prior to or at the time of publication. If the publisher has a Web site that offers full text of its journals, PubMed provides links to that site, as well as sites to other biological data, sequence centers, etc. User registration, a subscription fee, or some other type of fee may be required to access the full-text of articles in some journals.

PubMed also provides access to PubRef, a service designed to expand the bibliographic linking feature in PubMed, and facilitate linking to a broader set of scientific journals and full-text of articles at publishers' web sites.

PubMed provides access to bibliographic information, which is drawn primarily from MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE, HealthSTAR, as well as Publisher-Supplied citations. In addition, for electronically supplied journals that are indexed selectively for MEDLINE, and include articles unrelated to medicine or the life sciences, PubMed includes all articles from that journal, not just those that are included in MEDLINE. It is expected that access to additional NLM databases will be added in the future.
PubMed also provides access and links to the integrated molecular biology databases included in NCBI's Entrez retrieval system. These databases contain DNA and protein sequences, 3-D protein structure data, population study data sets, and assemblies of complete genomes in an integrated system.

MEDLINE is the NLM's premier bibliographic database covering the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and the preclinical sciences. MEDLINE contains bibliographic citations and author abstracts from more than 4,000 biomedical journals published in the United States and 70 other countries. The file contains over 10 million citations dating back to 1966 to the present. Coverage is worldwide, but most records are from English-language sources or have English abstracts.

Loansome Doc allows users to order full-text copies of articles from a medical library. Please call our Library at (715) 847-2184 for our Library ID number to register to use this service. PubMed provides document ordering only from the Clipboard. Select citations, click on Add to Clipboard, then click on Clipboard to use the Order button. The full-text of articles for some journals are available via a link to the publisher's Web site from the PubMed Abstract or Citation display. If you see "LinkOut" on a citation, click on this feature for additional options.

CINAHL is the Cumulative Index for Nursing and Allied Health Literature. The company has been indexing for over 40 years and is recognized as being an expert in this field. CINAHL indexes articles from over 1,200 journals, and has full text articles from 17 journals online.

SOURCES: Journals, Accreditation, Clinical Innovations, Conferences, Critical Paths, Legal Cases, Nurse Practice Acts, Practice Acts, Research Instruments, Standards of Practice from the field of nursing and 17 allied healthcare professionals. The index also includes audiovisual materials, educational software and computer programs.

The core of MD Consult is clinical content. 52 of the world's best medical journals and Clinics. Over 35 renowned reference books. Over 600 clinical practice guidelines. Nearly 3,000 customizable patient education handouts. Drug information for more than 30,000 medications. Training is offered on each of these sections.

STAT!Ref lets you cross-search more than 25 medical and drug texts including Stedman's Medical Dictionary and popular texts from McGraw Hill, Mosby, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins and more. Our library subscribes to the Drug Information - AHFS, USP DI Professional and USP DI Patient and offers training on these databases.

BadgerLink is a project of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI), Division for Libraries and Community Learning. Its goal is to provide Wisconsin residents with increased access to information resources in cooperation with the state's public, school, academic, and special libraries.

BadgerLink provides access to a variety of information resources directly from the BadgerLink Web page. A major resource allows access to over 4,000 magazines, newspapers, and other reference materials—many in full-text. Also available from the BadgerLink Web site is WISCAT, the statewide library catalog. WISCAT has cataloging information on 6.5 million titles and lists 30 million holdings from 1,265 contributing libraries. Another content resource is the Library Resource List, with links to over 500 other Web sites of interest in the areas of general reference, government, library technology, library Web sites and information on the library profession. BadgerLink includes pointers to the Wisconsin library directory and to a list of state library Web sites.

The Advisory Board is established on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. The original business purpose is to conduct research on any question for any company in any industry.

The mission of the Advisory Board Company is to provide strategic coherence and direction by discerning the underlying forces driving major change and to communicate those insights with force and clarity such that members are able and predisposed to carry them more broadly into their worlds.

The University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC) is a member-driven alliance of the clinical enterprises of academic health centers (AHCs). While focusing on the clinical mission, UHC is mindful of and supports the research and education missions of AHCs. Its mission is to advance knowledge, foster collaboration, and promote change to help members compete in their respective health care markets. As an idea-generating and information-disseminating enterprise, UHC helps members pool resources, create economies of scale, improve clinical and operating efficiencies, and influence the direction and delivery of health care.

Since 1978, Scientific American Medicine has brought to physicians and healthcare personnel current, comprehensive, and complete medical information, covering all 15 subspecialties of internal medicine. SAM is updated monthly. SAM is led by a superb Editorial Board and authored by over 140 leading expert physicians. There are more than 2,000 color graphics and illustrations.

The Cochrane Library is an electronic publication designed to supply high quality evidence to inform people providing and receiving care, and those responsible for research, teaching, funding and administration at all levels.

Cochrane reviews are reviews mainly of randomised controlled trials. Evidence is included or excluded on the basis of explicit quality criteria to minimise bias. Data are often combined statistically, with meta-analysis, to increase the power of the findings of numerous studies each too small to produce reliable results individually. Publishing systematic reviews in an electronic form has great advantages over more traditional methods: the reviews can be updated as new evidence emerges and mistakes can be corrected in response to comments and criticisms. The review thereby continues to be the best single place where a distillation of the latest evidence is easily accessible.

DARE includes structured abstracts of systematic reviews from around the world, which have been critically appraised by reviewers at the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination at the University of York, England.

The TRIP database is an amalgamation of 26 databases of hyperlinks from ‘Evidence-based’ sites around the world. At present there are over 10,000 links to evidence based topics. CeReS has provided a simple search mechanism to the TRIP database. CeReS is committed to supporting research in the primary health care field in Wales.. (Center for Research Support).

Additional Contacts

Advisory Board Contacts
(202) 672-5600
Member Services Contact - Jodi Douglas
Research Manager - Lisa Long
Nursing Executive Center - Olivia Wilkinson
Oncology Roundtable - Susi Mauk
Cardiology Roundtable- Elliot Bates

UHCNet Contacts
Mary Rackow (630) 954-4725 (or email the webmaster)
Password Problems - Jane Muth (630) 954-1283

© 2004 ASPIRUS™ Passion for excellence. Compassion for people.
Medical Library, 333 Pine Ridge Blvd., Wausau, WI 54401 (715) 847-2184 Fax: (715) 847-2183